Thursday, March 18, 2010


So, I didn't tell her. I honestly thought I would. But it just didn't come up, and didn't even have a chance to. I got to the doctors office slightly late, which isn't like me, because I was chatting with my boss and lost track of the time. By the time I got there, I guess I had kind of missed my appointment and the receptionist had put someone else ahead of me (fair enough!). While I waited for my turn, I played the brick breaker ping pong-ish game on my blackberry and contemplated how calm I was. Finally they called my name, and off I went to a little room. Then I met my new doctor. She seemed all business at first, a character trait I have never been totally comfortable with (being the emotionally-ruled person that I am), but once I opened up and started talking to her she seemed to adapt quickly to my needs. Somewhere in my head I was aware of the fact that I should bring up the bulimia, but what basically happened in my allotted 20 minutes is that we had to sort through my health issues and make a game plan. She gave me a new prescription for my inhaler (one with steroids---yikes!) and antibiotics because apparently my head aches, "hot flashes" (fevers) and phlegmy coughing (sorry, too many details!) are due to a lung infection. Then she ordered blood work, an x-ray, and a respiratory test at ARH. Then she said goodbye, that it was nice to meet me, and told me to make an appointment for next Thursday.

So....maybe next week? I'm not worried. It will come up in due time.

Going to the doctor isn't the nerve-wracking experience it once was. I found comfort rather than alarm in her gentle concern, and I am happy that there are such bright people out there who know how to care for us!

Thanks, Doc!

