Wednesday, July 14, 2010

There She Goes

Before she leaves, I have something to say. Actually, I have a lot to say. So much that I am in desperate need of an outlet right now; a way to express myself, and even though I know writing won't do my feelings justice, it might help.

We met six years ago. The bond was instant. The love deeply rooted.

We were 20 and 21 when we met each other. We were at Camp Qwanoes. We were really broken. We were really in need of this sisterhood that we have shared for the past 6 years.

"Alisha and I have been having little dates at night since this is my week off from counseling, and we are getting really close. I really think God has put her in my life to be someone to be honest with. The things I have told her have been brutally honest, like about Jake and just the way I really feel about myself and about life. I don't feel like I CAN be fake with her, and it's been awesome..."

"Alisha had a crappy Christmas but I don't know the whole story yet. Unfortunately we had a bit of a fight but we are currently in the process of working through it. Please help her feel better and come home soon..."

"So Alisha and I both had quite a rocky weekend. We spent a lot of time together and we both broke up with our boyfriends in a sense. Neither officially, but we have both reached our breaking points. It's ironic, really, because normally we are both so balanced with each other. One is weaker and the other is stronger at just the right times so for us this is new. But empathy is good and we are growing closer every year..."

"I want to live with Alisha. It looks like she is getting a place with Abby, Elyssa, and Abby's brother. And by place I mean a big house. I would love that. But I'm too afraid to ask if I can come. Besides, I haven't even applied to school yet and I am definitely jumping the gun. I'm starting to consider her one of my best friends in the world, actually. I just got back from hanging out with her tonight, and as usual it was amazing. We've had some adventures, like going to Crash Crawleys and accidentely driving to Abbotsford and sitting in the middle of intersections and getting free cake at Montana's, but the best times have been sitting in the car and sitting at Starbucks. I can't get over how much that girl and I can talk. I don't think we've ever had a conversation that hasn't last at least 20 minutes, even when we are just calling to ask the simplest question. We can talk forever, and not only are we both over-analyzers, explainers and justifiers, we both love to dig and search each others hearts. So in a nutshell, our conversations are extremely meaningful. I can't begin to say how thankful I am to have her..."

Alisha, I don't use people's names very often in my blog, but I had to this time. Because this is for YOU. You are my best friend. You are my family. You are my sister and my buddy and my shoulder to cry on.

I'm not going to say how terribly I am going to miss you or how hard it will be for me to be without you because I know this is only for a little while. I'm not going to say how hard it will be to listen to Jann Arden and Wilson Phillips and Sarah McLachlan, because those are our girls and I know that while I am listening to them here and thinking of you, you will be there listening to them and thinking of me.

Thanks for being my best friend. You're the greatest ever. We are ALL thinking of you, wishing you a safe trip and the sweetest, most awesome, crazy-good 2 years ever.


